how to add Facebook pixel to your WordPress site in 2070 all you need to do is copy the pixel code from your Facebook Ads manager login to your WordPress dashboard press on appearance then select editor here you need to locate a file called header dot PHP if you're using a child theme then simply browse into the parent theme if you can't see a dot PHP on the right hand side panel so now this header dot PHP file let's press on that to insert Facebook pixel basically it is saying locate the head portion of HTML and you can actually paste the day if you want and paste the tracking pixel code underneath the head that's no problem or you can perhaps find the end of the head element and make some room above it so that is the end of head element and then simply paste the tracking code and you just leave everything as it is and then press on update file now what if you're not seeing under appearance editor option because that could happen for some WordPress setups if that's the case you can still follow similar methods but you need to log in to your web hosting manager press on file manager browse into the document root folder locate public underscore HTML browsing - WP - content folder whereas into themes folder and select the theme that you're using because you have that headed off PHP file on your web server anyway always download and make a backup first because then you can right click press on edit and still locate that head portion through your web hosting account as well if you're using GoDaddy as web hosting service provider same methods can be followed by pressing on file manager at the end of the day you need to copy the pixel tracking code Facebook has given to you and then locate header dot PHP file for your WordPress setup and then simply type and update that file which is headed off PHP or and that's how easy it is for you to add your tracking pixel to your WordPress site in the next video session we will check the other options there but while here remember you can always download Facebook pixel helper it's basically an extension then once you add the extension then if you were to visit your website and press on the Facebook pixel helper and here it will show you how that Facebook pixel is working okay so if you see the green tick that means you have installed your Facebook pixel tracking code correctly if not simply make a comment on this video and we'll take things from there once again I thank you very much for learning with me if you benefit from this video session please do give it a like and share it and I'll talk with you in the next video session
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
How serius
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