Thursday, September 21, 2017

Top 10 Upcoming PLAYSTATION VR Games in 2017/2018 (New PSVR Games Coming Soon)

 PlayStation VR is still amassing its own unique library of games but there are a lot of upcoming titles to be looking forward to in this video we'll be taking a look at the top 10 upcoming PS VR games let's get right into this number 10 sky world sky world has you step into an intricately animated fantasy world where you are a king and watch your battle maps come to life around you it's a classic strategy game utilizing VR without compromising on gameplay death has a story based single-player campaign a skirmish mode and online cross-platform multiplayer they gave a set to come fall 2011[Music] number nine Moss Moss has he playing as a young mouse with dreams of greatness events turn awry her uncle is in grave danger and she embarks on an epic journey through Forgotten Realms where you solve challenging puzzles and battle menacing enemies artistically the game looks really good and this has potential to be one of the underrated gems for psvr it comes later in 2012[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] number eight Starchild Starchild is a very interesting sci-fi platformer where a ship descends onto a strange alien planet touching down inside a dark underground cavern a traveler climbs out of the ship and begins to explore the subterranean landscape she soon discovers advanced alien technology this is another game that artistically looks fantastic it doesn't have an exact release date yet but 2018 makes sense [Music] [Music] [Music] number seven monster of the deep Final Fantasy 15 the Final Fantasy 15 VR experience is finally coming with monster of the deep Final Fantasy 15where you interact with the four main characters of FF 15 while taking part in fishing around in a variety of locations VR based content for Final Fantasy 15was something we've been expecting for a while this is not a recreation of the FF 15 experience rather an alternative immersive experience in its own right monster of the deep Final Fantasy 16comes November 21st [Music] you gotta bite don't up all right [Music] [Music] number six Gran Turismo sport Gran Turismo was finally headed to the PlayStation 4 with Gran Turismo sport which series creator Kazunori Yamauchi is considering a new generation of Gran Turismo one of the biggest new features of course is the fact that GT sport will be fully playable in VR we've already got the Racing VR experience with driveclub VR but now with the highly regarded franchise the Gran Turismo taking the plunge that's very exciting Gran Turismo sport finally comes October 17 your race vision using VR because it's so natural you've in your head and everything you see is so smooth the tracks are so accurate it's very good for sight lines it's going to be much closer to the real thing I'm driving this rally car and I'm getting massively sideways and I'm looking through the passenger side window and then a stochastic regains grip and goes straight and looking dead ahead in everything transitions how it would in normal life combine that of the steering wheel and pedals it's the closest thing you've got Gran Turismo sport is gonna bring an absolutely new era of racing number five the persistence the persistence is a brand-new procedurally generated stealth boring experience for VR it takes place thousands of light-years away from Earth a major experiment malfunction and causes horrific mutations to the crew great horror experiences have still been relatively scarce on psvr so hopefully the persistence turns out to be something of quality it doesn't have an official release date yet but hopefully it comes before the years out when you go faster than light nothing good ever happened there's a reason light is the fastest thing I just love that as he's explaining it I'm smiling bigger and bigger and Ryan is looking more and more concerned like this doesn't sound like a good I'm going to freak out yeah that is so first of all I love science fiction horror I think if I had to choose like a sub-genre I mean I'm kind of like more into science fiction but yeah Meredith you're like all over this I am well I think you know so many of us that love horror games it's like okay you love horrid you want to be in a horror game it's like maybe not but when you put that in your first-person perspective yeah you're there you're in it everything around you it's it's very visceral I what I love is the really inky blacks all the shadows because there is a lot of stealth involved in this right you have to hide yeah number four Ace Combat 7 is combat is another franchise that seems to be a perfect fit for VR while Ace Combat 7 Skye's unknown won't be a VR exclusive experience it will have full VR support and that's very exciting being able to take to the skies in this action flight game sounds awesome it's running on Unreal Engine 14so expected to look great too it was originally set to come in 2017 but it's been delayed to a 2018 release Putin in Kolkata soda with Zia with each other or look at the dog good kill better two down yeah number three the impatient the impatient is a psychological horror game being developed by supermassive games not the most well known studio in the world but those are the guys behind a very good until dawn and the impatient has actually set 60 years before that game so once again a survival horror titling this one you play as a patient suffering from amnesia and intent on reclaiming their memories it comes November 21st number two Bravo Team Bravo team is a first-person VR cover shooter set in a fictional modern-day city in Eastern Europe your escort mission goes wrong and it's up to you and a friend to survive as the city is thrown into turmoil you'll need to think on your feet and work together as you battle through an intense journey of quickfire fights for point was a great first person to be our shooter and hopefully Bravo team adds to that line upon psvr Bravo team is set to come on December 17[Music] and finally number one doom VFR and Skyrim VR rounding out the list is a pair of Bethesda titles doom VFR and Skyrim VR doom VFR is a virtual reality adaptation of doom players assume the role of Mars last survivor who after being killed gets his consciousness uploaded into an artificial network and is tasked with beating demons and restoring the facility outside of that Skyrim is also headed to VR and it's a full recreation of the Skyrim experience in VR it's a little by the books and Skyrim has been milked quite a bit but it should be interesting nonetheless both of those titles are scheduled for 20119[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so that wraps up our countdown of the top 10 upcoming PS BRE games what do you think which psvr games are you the most excited for comment your thoughts down below thank you for watching and good bye [Music]  

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