Wednesday, September 20, 2017

5 UNIQUE Android Apps- NO ROOT 2017

hey what's up guys technology sure in this video I'm going to show you five unique applications for your Android devices which works without rooting your phone these applications include some personalization some photography and some security applications which are absolutely unique so with it for the deal let's jump right in before starting this video make sure to hit the red subscribe button on our channel and also press the bell icon beside it as to get quick notifications of our new uploads first let's check out both droid as the name suggests it's a very cool application for making poster like wallpapers for your Android phone so once you get into this app when you click on this plus mark down here it will automatically select the first picture from the gallery and will automatically add this code detecting the wallpaper now you can change the wallpaper by selecting the first option and select your favorite wallpaper from the next option we can change the text so as the picture shows a man running while we're looking at his watch so let me just type in time is money run we can even adjust the text tracking with this slider on the right on the Left we first option changes the character grid from small to large the next option changes with textile it has got so many great text styles to collect let me select this one it looks fantastic finally you can save the style in three different formats by clicking on the down arrow on the top left corner and we can even change some color palettes from this option so this application is one of the most unique application and a must have app for your Android next we have your unique controls this is a very great application which makes your usage of the Android phone much easier with the help of the two great features in this app the first feature is called halo which is a little bubble floating on your screen which gives the quick access to all your notifications as as you can switch between your favorite applications right from that fizzing bubble the next feature of this app is called pile most of us know about by by the way of navigation on our Android phone with the help of some gestures and a gestures work in whatever app we are in after enabling both the options in the home screen we can see the bubble on the left but first check out by simply swipe up from the bottom and you'll get the PI interface which gives you various details about the network number of notifications date Wi-Fi signals battery status as well as the three navigation buttons you can also drag the PI to any direction and then swipe from the new PI placement position and there you go now the bubble on the Left gives us hello with which we can check out the new notifications I don't have any notifications right now so it's not showing any from here simply slide towards the right to quickly access to your favorite applications assign your favorite apps in these dots and have quick access to those applications with the help of unique controls with all right guys up next we have your stun superfood it's the most unique add-on for a super widget which gives this awesome look on your Android device as you can see this simple homescreen setup gives you an idea about the customization which you can achieve with the help of turn super 4 plugin so in order to get this first you need to download looper widget from the Play Store and then search for stun super and you will get the add-on once install you will get various types of widgets on the widgets section which you can apply on your home screen which looks amazing now to tune up your home screen a much better way it also gives you various other selves like icon set and fonts additionally you get some great wallpapers which suits the best with the widget it has got some cool met realistic wallpapers and all the wallpapers are of very high quality to do give it a try on your Android devices next we have your loop see this is one of my favorite camera application these days but because it can take cinemagraph now you might be wondering what is a cinema graph so by the end of this video you'll get to know what is a cinema graph so the application UI is pretty basic so let us take a photo but before taking a photo make sure that something needs to be moving in your photo in order to make a cinema graph so here you can see guys it's raining out here so we can take a very cool cinema graph over here now I'm out here in the rain to take the cinema graph of this plant this looks nice isn't it but guys my phone is getting wet and it's not a waterproof phone either so now just let me quickly take this photo okay after taking this photo it will analyze and process making it an editable cinema graph and here we have some options like animate freeze and a loop button on the top right hand corner now while animate is selected if any part of the picture was moving while taking the photo you can draw that part to make it move you can event other this new button which gives you more realistic look now you can share this picture with your friends by whatsapp or any other social messaging applications so guys the cinema graph is not a gist file but it's a moving picture isn't that cool now let's just at least we have your dumpster so dumpster is a very useful application for every Android user as it's some kind of trash can which can be the most useful trash can for your Android phone it's like a 2-step verification for each and every file which you delete from your phone now accidentally if you delete any photo from your device permanently then you can recover that particular photo back to your gallery with the help of this cool app called dumpster now from the app let us get in the gallery and delete some photos we'll even delete these photos from the trash option of Google Photos app now we know that the photos are permanently deleted but no guys it's still there in dumpster from where you can recover these photos back to your gallery if you had accidentally deleted these photos now to permanently delete these photos you have to delete it from here itself so that's like a backup of every photo or any file which you can recover back to your and reports now to space the space on your Android device for every backup you can even get the premium version of dumpster which lets you automatically backup the files on your own private cloud drive so guys that was jumpstart and a must-have Android app so do check this out or your Android devices and those were the five unique Android applications which are unique by nature and all the applications gives you the way to use your Android phone in a new way making the device usage much easier than before all the applications which I had shown you in this video are free to download from the Google Play Store and all the download links of the applications will be down there in the description box so definitely check out the description for getting these direct links and that's all for this video and if you'd like this video then do it the like button down below and also subscribe to your channel and I will catch you guys in the next one  

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